About Us
Next Step Cattle Company is owned by 14 progressive Sim-Angus and Simmental breeders throughout the state of Alabama with over 150 years of experience breeding superior seed stock for beef producers. The goal of Next Step Cattle Company is to produce bulls that sire calves which calve easy, wean heavy, demand top market prices, and make top replacement females. The calves produced by our bulls are bred to be profitable in the feedyard, and to produce a top quality carcass which will provide the consumer an enjoyable eating experience
Years of Experience
The Bulls
The bulls produced and offered by Next Step Cattle Company represent the top production from a 600+ cow herd.
These bulls and their dams result from generations of selection pressure for fertility, calving ease, udder quality, disposition, structural soundness, performance, and carcass merit.
A complete data base is utilized to include birth weights, weaning weights, yearling weights, ultrasound carcass measurements, frame scores, calving ease, and soundness.
Our Farms
Cole Cattle Company
Cole Cattle Company is a proud genetic provider for Next Step Cattle Company in Livingston, Alabama. The goals of the operation are simply focusing on traits which will net the most dollars for cattlemen in not only the southeast but for cattlemen across the country. A very disciplined breeding program is what has allowed Cole Cattle Company to progress to where it is today. Over the last decades, attention to cattle who will provide calving ease, unrivaled growth, maternal traits, and the carcass quality demanded by feeders are the trademark of the bulls who garner the C-3 prefix. Likewise, the program runs their entire cowherd in the heart of the southeast. Heat tolerance and hair shedding ability is a must for the cattle to thrive in their environment.
The growing program focuses on genetic advancement while not losing sight of the cowmantraits needed in order to excel. In the world of cattle genomics, the Cole Cattle Company program is viewed at the forefront of producers. Every registered animal has a high-density genomic screening, in addition the Cole family uses this information a step further utilizing the RightMate and RightChoice program. The utilization of the RightMate program allows the Cole Cattle Company Genetics to line up a positive assortment of high impact genes in return which will boost the profitably of the genetic purchaser’s bottom line. The use of technology while maintaining a critical stockmen’s eye has allowed the Cole Family to rise to the top of bull producers in the southeast.
The program could not function without generational help. Michael, Tammy, and Michael Alan all play a critical role in the operation. Michael Alan’s love of the cattle continues to grow and serves as the herdsman while heading up the bulk of the day-to-day operations of the cattle. The family has a unique perspective in the beef business owning several successful steakhouses across the southeast. The family sees firsthand the importance of a uniformed, consistent, and quality product for their beef customers and takes those traits and apply them to their cowherd.
If you ever make it in the Livingston area, visitors are always welcome.
Circle H Cattle Farm
Circle H Cattle Farm is genetic provider for Next Step Cattle Company in Marion Junction, Alabama established in 1982. Cattle at Circle H are homozygous black and homozygous polled purebred Simmental. The bulls are the result of an intensive AI program and the use of detailed records to make selection decisions.
Circle H strives to produce cattle that are in demand in the Black Belt region of Alabama as well as throughout the South East. EPD’s, ultrasound measurements, as well as DNA profiles are used in selection decisions. Phenotype is also important as cattle are required to be structurally correct to remain in the herd.
The farm is led by Jimmy Holliman and his wife Kathleen. Jimmy has served in many leadership positions in cattle organizations in Alabama and nationally. He has served as president of the Alabama Purebred Breeds Association, the Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association and the Beef Improvement Federation where he received the Continuous Service Award. He has served as president of the 11,000-member Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, president of the Southeastern Livestock Expo and as a Trustee and Treasurer of the American Simmental Association. He served as Region 2 Policy Vice -president of the National Cattlemen Beef Association and served as Chairman of the NCBA Cattle Health and Wellbeing committee. He has been inducted into the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame and the Mississippi State Livestock Judging Hall of Fame.
Pinedale Farms
Pinedale Farms is located in Clanton, AL and maintains 15 Sim-Angus and purebred Angus cows. Pinedale Farms is owned by the Brad Moatts family. Their family includes Brad and Jill along with there 3 children Sara Kate age 11, Luke age 5 and Caroline age 2
Our genetic goals are to produce bulls for the commercial beef producers in the Southeast that will keep them in business and that will produce a product that consumers will be willing to buy for their families. Cows are bred to calve in September and October each year. Our top bull calves are marketed through the Next Step Cattle Company bull sell in December. The lower end of the bull calves are marketed as commercial feeder calves through area markets. The heifer calves are either developed and retained as replacement females or marketed at weaning to other breeders. We purchased our foundation Angus cows in 2001 from the Auburn University Beef herd.
Brad presently serves on the Board of Directors of the local Chilton County Cattleman’s Association.
Sucarnoochee Cattle Company
Sucarnoochee Cattle Company originated in Sumter County, Alabama on the banks of the beautiful Sucarnoochee River. We breed 105 head of Angus, SimAngus, and Simmental females on our Alabama Blackbelt pastures. These cows are the result of a detailed AI breeding program.
Owners include Michael Cole, wife Tammy, son Michael Alan (Herdsman), Scott Powell, wife Allison, and Caine Conway. This group also own and operate Big Mike’s Steakhouses in Thomasville, Andalusia, and Orange Beach. They were awarded the 2016 Best Steak in Alabama award from the Alabama Cattleman’s Association. The 2017 Best Steakhouse in Alabama by AL.com. Big Mike’s uses only certified Angus Beef (CAB).
We strive to raise cattle for the Southeastern commercial cattleman who has a view to the end product in mind. The goal is to produce easy calving, big growth bulls that have exceptional carcass quality, all in a polled, black package. We want our bulls to sire a high quality calf whose endpoint is being served as a CAB steak in a Big Mike’s Steakhouse.
Dixon Farms
Dixon Farms is a seed stock business focused on supplying high quality genetics to the commercial cattleman. Our long-term goal has been to develop a herd of cattle that calve easily, exhibit early/efficient growth, have quality carcass, composition, and express maternal efficiency, while being fertile, black, polled and docile. At Dixon Farms Tami and I feel our role is to provide our customers with profit oriented genetics as a key to success. We strive to provide our customers with genetics that work in their operation and provide down the road value to the feed lot, packer and ultimately a quality product for the retail customer.
If you desire the best in Angus, Sim-Angus, and Simmental genetics you will find them in quantity at Next Step Cattle Company. Compare our cattle to any in America for EPD profile, performance, pedigree, phenotype , and overall genetic merit and you will agree these cattle will roll to the top of your selection process!

200 Bartram Street
Livingston, AL 35470
Our Team
Mike Cole: (205) 301-0618
Michael Alan Cole Jr: (334) 212-1316
Tommy Brown: (205) 351-1328

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200 Bartram Street
Livingston, AL 35470
Our Team
Mike Cole: (205) 301-0618
Michael Alan Cole Jr: (334) 212-1316
Tommy Brown: (205) 351-328

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